Report Bird Sightings

Burrowing Owls / Photo: Martin Meyers

Burrowing Owls / Photo: Martin Meyers

For most observations, eBird is the place to start. 

You can keep track of your own bird lists and see your observations on a map, and you can also see what everyone else has been finding in your area! These records go into the largest bird distribution database in the world, for use by scientists. 

Many eBird users have bird records stored electronically in various forms on their personal computers. The eBird import tool is designed to provide an interface through which these records can be imported to eBird.

Nevada Birding ListServe

If you want to share your interesting observations with other Nevada birders more quickly, the place to go is the NVBIRDS ListServe. This is an email bulletin board for Nevada bird sightings. There is a tab for subscribing on the right-hand side of the page.

Philadelphia Vireo / Photo: Greg Scyphers

Philadelphia Vireo / Photo: Greg Scyphers

Nevada Bird Records Committee

If you have observed a rare bird in Nevada, a written description to the Nevada Bird Records Committee (NBRC) is an excellent way to provide a credible and permanent record of your observation. Any species that is not currently on the Nevada Checklist is newsmaking (and requires a lot of evidence), but they are also interested in all species that are on the Nevada Review List. Please visit the Nevada Bird Records Committee section of this website to submit documentation for your sighting. And be sure to announce it on the NVBIRDS ListServe so that other birders can enjoy it and help you verify it.

North American Birds

North American Birds is a quarterly journal that publishes original articles and regional summaries on the distribution and abundance of wild birds in North America. The lifeblood of the journal is a series of about thirty regional reports, one of which covers the entirety of the states of Utah and Nevada. Guidelines for submission are here.


Nevada Birding Resources

NVBIRDS listserve - Bulletin board for Nevada bird sightings (link on right to subscribe)

Birding guide to Northern Nevada.

Birding around Las Vegas - Jim Boone offers a guide to birding around Las Vegas.

Red Rock Audubon Society
Based in Las Vegas, the Red Rock Audubon Society is a community organization focusing on birding in southern Nevada and surrounding areas.

Lahontan Audubon Society
This Reno-based Audubon chapter is especially active in environmental education. Plus, it supplies the community with an excellent program of regular field trips and monthly meetings.

The Nevada Important Bird Area Program is focused on keeping key areas important to birds through habitat conservation and public education

Worm-eating Warbler / Photo: Martin Meyers

Worm-eating Warbler / Photo: Martin Meyers