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January Lecture Series, Milkweeds and Monarchs: Precarious Pals. With Aramee Diethelm

Once again coronavirus has forced us to change our plans. Now coming to you virtually! Each Wednesday evening in January we will be hosting presentations by UNR researchers via the Zoom webinar platform. These will be free, however you must register ahead of time using the link below. For this session, we will have Aramee Diethelm presenting some of her research on Monarch butterflies. Among many specifics, she will discuss the conservation implications of how they use chemical cues to determine where to lay eggs, and how different species of milkweed affect larval development under different conditions. Each Wednesday evening in January we will be hosting presentations by UNR researchers. The final presentation will be on Feb 2nd and Ned Bohman will talk about the Nevada Bird Records Committee and rare birds that showed up in 2021.

Zoom Registration Link!