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Bird-a-thon Field Trip to Lahontan Valley

 Join trip leaders, Dennis and Becca Serdehely, for a guided auto tour to Lahontan Valley! Beginning with the Carson River Diversion Dam, the tour will then make its way through the big Lahontan Valley Hotspots.

This field trip will require driving to different birding locations within Lahontan Valley. This will be a full day trip, meeting at 7:30 AM and going into the afternoon. Be sure to bring lunch, snacks, and plenty of water. There will be a maximum of 15 people and 5 cars on this trip, to make for a safe, socially distant, and manageable group size.

Cost $15 per person

If you are interested, please email no later than 5/5/2021 so we can finalize logistics. Once registered we will provide you with more details.

For details about the Nevada bird-a-thon 2021 visit: