Stay tuned, this count may be rescheduled for early January. Located just north of Sheldon NWR across the Oregon border, this count covers Hart Mountain and the nearby Warner Valley Wetlands near Plush. This is your count if you like to hike remote canyons and windswept sagebrush in winter conditions, searching for Greater Sage-Grouse, Northern Shrikes, and Rough-legged Hawks. Because this count is so remote, we recommend making it a trip and doing the nearby Sheldon NWR and/or Winnemucca count as well. Free lodging is available for volunteers at the refuge’s very comfortable fire-crew bunkhouse, which has an excellent kitchen in the common area. Each room has beds for two volunteers. Refuge rules require all volunteers to be vaccinated. Most volunteers arrive the afternoon/evening before the count, and we work out teams that night. The countdown will be back at the bunkhouse in the evening. Sometimes we venture down to the Hot Springs Campground after dark to try for owls.
For more info contact Joel Geier (clearwater AT