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McCarran Ranch Bird-a-thon with Ben Sonnenberg

Join Ben Sonnenberg at McCarran Ranch for this Bird-a-thon field trip. This will be a choose-your-own adventure type of Bird-a-thon, depending on who shows up the birding can be as intense or laid back as participants want! We were given special permission from The Nature Conservancy to host this trip at a location of the preserve that is normally closed to the public. This area has very rich riparian habitat, with a lot of young cottonwoods underneath mature trees. GBBO has been involved with this property for a long time, beginning monitoring of restoration work in the early 2000’s and still going! We also band migratory birds each spring and fall on the property. Space is limited to 12 participants, so please register ASAP. Contact to register!

Earlier Event: April 30
Spring Wings Bird Festival