GBBO is hosting an art contest! Show off your creativity by submitting a design for the 2023 Bird-a-thon T-shirt. GBBO wants to see your take! The winning design will be the front graphic of the official 2023 Bird-a-thon T-shirt. See event page for details and guidelines.
1. Your design must be your own and entirely free of any copyrighted material.
2. By submitting a design, you consent to allow GBBO to make necessary modifications to fit and/or be printed on a T-shirt.
3. Hand-drawn or computer designs will be accepted. Please send a color copy of any hand drawn designs. Accepted file types include .jpg, .jpeg, .png, and .pdf.
4. The design may be whatever size, but will be scaled to fit the front of a T-shirt.
5. Absolutely no explicit content, including vulgar language or obscene images, will be accepted.
6. Only 1 design may be submitted per entry.
7. No team names should be mentioned or displayed in the artwork, these T-shirts will be for each birder participating in the Bird-a-thon, not just your team.
8. We are reluctant to impose restrictions on colors or design but bear in mind that the more colors used will increase printing costs.
To Submit:
Please submit your design to with the subject line: “NV Bird-a-thon design contest” no later than April 1, 2023.
Also note: Pinyon Jays are not required to be part of your design, but they sure look great!
All designs submitted will be displayed at the time of voting.