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Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge Christmas Bird Count

  • Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge (map)

This is another rugged and remote northern Great Basin count, with plenty of opportunity for hiking. Participants will be looking for birds like Rough-legged Hawk, Greater Sage Grouse, Short-eared Owl, Northern Shrike, maybe an American Tree Sparrow, or if you’re lucky, a Redpoll. There are also several ponds with good waterbird diversity. This count is usually scheduled in conjunction with the Hart Mountain and Winnemucca counts. However, this year the Hart Mountain count had to be cancelled due to access issues. Winnemucca will be on the 19th, if you are heading to Sheldon, consider going a day early and helping out in Winnemucca. For the Sheldon count, lodging is available for free in the refuge bunkhouses for the nights before and after the count. Courtesy of the USFWS Hart-Sheldon complex refuge staff.

For lodging in refuge bunkhouses: please contact Joel by Dec 6th since these counts are in remote areas and plans need to be worked well out in advance.

For more info, email Joel Geier.

Earlier Event: December 19
Winnemucca Christmas Bird Count
Later Event: December 22
Pinyon Jay Community Science Walk