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2024 Nevada Bird-a-thon Begins

The Nevada Bird-a-thon is a state-wide fundraiser for bird conservation that takes place in May each year. Form a team or bird solo to raise funds for conservation by choosing one 24-hour period to record as many birds as possible. Participants can also bird from home and create a yard list for the duration of the event! Bird-a-thon winners can look forward to trophies and glory! There are chances to win for most funds raised and highest number of species seen in the categories of backyard birding and big day birding. There will also be a bonus trophy for the participant that submits the most Survey123 reports to GBBO’s Pinyon Jay Community Science Initiative.

Earlier Event: April 29
Intermountain West Shorebird Survey
Later Event: May 13
2024 Nevada Bird-a-thon Closes