Birdsong Learning Center
Do you want to be better prepared for point count surveys? Did you always mean to work on your birding skills, but never got around to learning songs? Well, here is your chance to delve into “the language” of Nevada birds in a stress-free, game-like environment. Our program covers the species that you are likely to hear singing in the major habitats of Nevada. Our selection is not all-inclusive, though, and we recommend the CDs on which this training center is based, which feature quality recordings of all species by Kevin Colver Productions. Kevin is a generous supporter of GBBO and has approved the use of his recordings for our training center. Per our agreements with the donors, the training program may not be reproduced or distributed in any form.
Due to its popularity, GBBO has decided to make our Nevada birdsong learning program widely available. To play the flashcards, click on the "Main Program (Members Only)" icon below, and type in the password /grebe/ to enjoy the full learning experience. For advanced birdsong learners, don't ignore the custom module option. In this module, you can create your own species set, and we recommend picking the ones that sound similar or that are hard to learn.