Making available information relevant to managing Nevada’s birds and their habitats is one of GBBO’s most important services to Nevada’s bird conservation community. This part of our website is designated to provide online resources to a diverse group of stakeholders, such as Nevada’s resource management agencies, private landowners, researchers, and the interested public. Please see our FAQs for more information about data access.
If you are a GBBO agency partner, you can also access our Secure Data page with a login provided to you by GBBO. If you are a funding partner and don't have a login/password, please email GBBO and request one.
Users of this page are encouraged to check in occasionally, as we make progress in building an archive of maps, data summaries, analysis results, and online documents
Nevada Bird Count Survey Protocol
Nevada Breeding Bird Atlas Data
Atlas Breeding Dates For Species A-L
Atlas Breeding Date For Species M-Z
Conservation Plans (Continental / National)
Partners in Flight Continental Bird Conservation Plan
US Shorebird Conservation Plan
Continental Waterbird Conservation Plan
USFWS Blueprint for the Future of Migratory Birds
Conservation Plans (Regional / Nevada)
Nevada Coordinated Bird Monitoring Plan (DRAFT)
Nevada Partners in Flight Conservation Plan
Intermountain West Joint Venture 2013 Implementation Plan
Intermountain West Joint Venture Habitat Implementation Plan for Nevada
Nevada/California Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan
Clark County Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan
Summary of Conservation Priority Bird Species in Nevada
This file summarizes conservation priority species in the Nevada region. It lists the status of the species in each major bird conservation planning document that is available to GBBO at the time of this version. Only species that received the equivalent of a "moderate to high" ranking of conservation concern in at least one of the plans were included. Any other rankings were only listed if they were in disagreement with other plans. No entry means that the species received no ranking under that plan.
Summary of Conservation Priority Bird Species in Nevada - Draft of November 30, 2004
Summary of Conservation Priority Bird Species in Nevada - Draft of November 30, 2004
Standard AOU Species Codes for North American Birds
The so-called Alpha codes are 4-letter codes that are commonly used by bird banders and bird surveyors. Because there are so many species in North America, these codes are not always intuitively derived. We therefore urge all banders and surveyors to look up the current code of any species recorded this way.
A complete list of current Alpha species codes and scientific names is maintained by the Institute for Bird Populations and is updated on a regular basis.