Birds at Rosaschi, East Walker River

Hey all, it was a beautiful morning yesterday at Rosaschi Ranch, East Walker River (Lyon County), and we had some great birds – first and foremost, several Black-chinned Sparrows singing from the sagebrush uplands!  Hat tip to my crew, Mark and Alan, telling me on my arrival the night before:  BLACK-CHINNED SPARROWS!  I’ve never had them this far north before, so I was pretty excited.  Birds I noted included:

  1. American Crow

  2. American Robin

  3. Belted Kingfisher

  4. Bewick’s Wren

  5. Black-billed Magpie

  6. Black-chinned Sparrow

  7. Black-headed Grosbeak

  8. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

  9. Brewer’s Blackbird

  10. Brown-headed Cowbird

  11. Bullock’s Oriole

  12. Bushtit

  13. California Quail

  14. Cliff Swallow

  15. Dusky Flycatcher

  16. Gray Flycatcher

  17. Green-tailed Towhee

  18. House Wren

  19. Killdeer

  20. Mallard

  21. Mountain Bluebird

  22. Mourning Dove

  23. Northern Rough-winged Swallow

  24. Orange-crowned Warbler

  25. Red-tailed Hawk

  26. Red-winged Blackbird

  27. Song Sparrow

  28. Spotted Towhee

  29. Turkey Vulture

  30. Vesper Sparrow

  31. Warbling Vireo

  32. Western Kingbird

  33. Western Meadowlark

  34. Western Wood-Pewee

  35. Wilson’s Warbler

  36. Yellow Warbler

  37. Yellow-breasted Chat

  38. Yellow-rumped Warbler

I also flew past the Elbow, just downriver, and found

  1. American Robin

  2. Bewick’s Wren

  3. Black-headed Grosbeak

  4. Bullock’s Oriole

  5. Chukar

  6. Mallard

  7. Red-winged Blackbird

  8. Song Sparrow

  9. Spotted Sandpiper

  10. Spotted Towhee

  11. Violet-green Swallow

  12. Western Wood-Pewee

  13. Wilson’s Warbler

  14. Yellow Warbler

That great morning was followed up by an afternoon impressively similar to underneath a waterfall – not to mention scattered hail.  A fun May day in Nevada!

Happy birding,
