We are excited to co-host a special member's birding field trip with Lahontan Audubon Society (LAS) exploring Tahoe Meadows. GBBO's Outreach Coordinator Ned Bohman will be leading us on this adventure. Ned will be joined by Lahontan Audubon Society’s Marketing Coordinator VISTA, Parker Flickinger. In addition to the impressive views of the Carson Range, we can expect to find all sorts of high elevation specialties including Fox Sparrows, Lincoln’s Sparrows, Orange-crowned Warblers and Clark's Nutcrackers. There is a possibility of finding a Pine Grosbeak or Willamson's Sapsucker as well. We hope you can join us on this alpine birding adventure!
In order to participate on this exclusive walk, you must be a member of LAS or GBBO. Please use the following link to register: https://nevadaaudubon.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/nevadaaudubon/event.jsp?event=2725&