As part of GBBO’s Pinyon Jay Community Science program, we are hosting monthly Pinyon Jay walks. These are a great opportunity for folks to ask questions and find new locations to look for Pinyon Jays. At this point in the year, Pinyon Jays are beginning to think about nesting.
Ned Bohman and Diane Wong-Kone of Lahontan Audubon Society will be leading this month’s walk. We will meet at 9 AM to organize carpools from the GBBO office. The location of the trip is in Carson City on the east side of the Carson River, at the Sand Canyon Trailhead. If you are interested you can email for more info.
Lahontan Audubon Members will be emailed when registration opens, and there will be a registration link on their calendar HERE.
Location: Meet at the Great Basin Bird Observatory Parking lot SE corner
This is a good opportunity to meet with other community science surveyors to learn more about Pinyon Jays in the field. Our observations will be recorded on the Pinyon Jay Community Hub map as part of a larger community science effort to gather more information on the Pinyon Jays. Read the Pinyon Jay story here.
Meet at the red pin, parking for the gbbo office