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Great Backyard Bird Count with Lahontan Audubon Society

  • rancho san rafael 1595 N Sierra St Reno, NV, 89503 United States (map)

Join Ned Bohman on a morning walk for the Great Backyard Bird Count in partnership with the Lahontan Audubon Society! The Great Backyard Bird Count is an annual event in February where people from around the world submit their bird observations to eBird or Merlin. Please download one or both of these apps on your phone prior to the walk if you are able, and Ned will give a brief tutorial for how to use them.

We will then take a morning walk around through the arboretum, around Herman's pond, and around the wetlands and grassy areas of the park. We will look for wintering songbirds such as White-Crowned and Golden-Crowned Sparrows, Lesser and American Goldfinches, House Finches, Cedar Waxwings and possibly a rare Purple Finch. Raptors including American Kestrels, Red-tailed Hawks, Cooper's and Sharp-shinned Hawks are common in this park. In the pond, we may find some overwintering ducks such as Ring-necked Ducks, Buffleheads, or Hooded Mergansers. This park hosts incredible biodiversity year-round, we may find 30+ species!

eBird hotspot:

Meet at the parking lot located on the west end of the Wilbur D. May Center 

Use this link to register with Lahontan Audubon Society