This field trip will illustrate methods covered in the presentation on April 9th, 2025. At this workshop, Jennifer Ballard and Ned Bohman of GBBO collaborate with Jess Brooks of NDOW to introduce you to the technique of Point Count surveys and the Breeding Bird Survey, a very long-running Community Science program. If you aren’t familiar, you can read about it here!
Volunteers conduct these surveys across the country every spring, and the technique they use is the same one employed by GBBO on many of its surveys. Point Counting is a very widespread method used to survey birds. For these surveys it is important to be able to identify birds by sound, as well as identify breeding behaviors that you may observe. It can be daunting to identify birds by ear, but its not so hard! Join GBBO and NDOW at this workshop to connect with experts and learn these skills in the field.
Field trip location information will be provided at the presentation on April 9th
If you are interested in volunteering for a breeding bird survey route, this is a great opportunity to learn more and connect with your local coordinator, Jess Brooks.
For more info and to RSVP for this field trip AND the presentation please send an email to